Forever Winter Page 6
“It’s not fucking funny.” Robert takes a step towards Cory, letting me go and stepping in front of me. I grab him by the arm.
“It kinda is, seeing as if you talked to me a little more I could have told you where she was,” Cory tosses back.
“You’d just hand her over to me? Not even fight for your fiancée?” I can’t tell if this pisses Robert off or not. I peek around him. Cory is full-on smiling.
“Cause you’d fight for her?”
“What I’m doing right now,” Robert throws back instantly.
“She is mine, too, Bo.” Robert tries to rush Cory. I pull on his arm, shouting his name. He stops and looks down at me.
“Angel. You can’t be getting worked up. Maybe you should go back to our room while my brother and I get this straightened out.” His voice completely changes when he addresses me. He even reaches up and cups my face.
“All I’m saying is she’s mine too. Like a sister,” Cory adds quickly this time. Robert pulls his eyes from mine. “She was there for me when I went through some dark shit after Dad died. I was there for her in any way she’d let me be, too. But never romantic, brother. So you can cool the jealousy.”
“But you said you’re engaged. The ring,” Robert pushes, wanting confirmation.
“Like I said, I only wanted to be there for her. I asked her to marry me on paper. It would dispel the idea everyone has of me as a partying loser, and I could help her raise the baby that I thought some asshole left her with by taking advantage of her one night. A night she’d only come out to because she was supporting me. That’s Winter for you. Always trying to help when she can. Sweeter than she should be for the life she’s been given so far. It’s made me protective of her.”
Robert looks back down at me. “You don’t love him?” he asks me.
“Not like that. I told him I couldn't marry him. It felt wrong.”
“Because you knew you belonged to me,” Robert says with confidence.
I smile. “Something like that.” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine.
“I love you,” he says before he kisses me. I pull back after only a second.
“You know you’re the only person to ever say that to me.” I watch pain wash over his face for me. “No, I’m not telling you that so you feel bad for me. I’m telling you that so you know how special it is to me.”
“I promise I’ll say it so many times you’ll get sick of it. Then maybe one day you’ll say it back.” He tries to kiss me again, but I push on his chest to stop him.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of hearing you say that.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “And if you stopped kissing me after every time you said it, you’d get to hear me say it back.”
He sucks in a deep breath. “Angel?”
“I love you,” I tell him.
He lifts me into his arms. I wrap my legs around him. “You’re going to marry me.”
“Not sure that was a question,” I laugh.
“It wasn't.” He starts moving and I know we’re headed back to the bedroom.
In the distance I hear a laughed, “I guess I’ll see you guys later,” from Cory.
“You’re lucky you are bossy in the sweetest of ways.” My back hits the bed a few moments later.
“Angel, I got you. I’m more than lucky.”
Chapter 11
Robert rubs the towel all over my body, drying me off. “How can I still be hard?” he mumbles to himself, making me laugh. I reach for his cock, but he grabs my wrist to stop me.
“I really do have to feed you, plus I still have something I want to show you, and if we don’t leave this room soon my mom will come in even if I lock the door.” He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm. “And I need to get a ring on this finger soon. I don’t like it bare.” He pulls me off the countertop.
“We don’t have to get married if you think it’s too soon. Just because I’m pregnant.” I look down, feeling a little shy now. I want this so badly but for the right reasons. His finger comes to my chin, making me look up at him.
“Angel, I bought you a ring the day after I met you while I was searching for you. Long before I knew we’d made a baby that night.”
My mouth parts and I gasp in shock. Hope fills my chest. “My whole life I’ve always gone for what I wanted. I know within seconds if something is worth going for. With you it hit me harder than it ever had. I knew, angel.”
I throw myself at him, kissing him all over his face. Then our mouths meet and we’re kissing long and deep, putting everything in it. I lock my legs around him as my back comes to a wall.
We don’t pull away until I hear a woman calling Bo’s name. His mom. My eyes widen.
“We’re coming, Mom,” Bo shouts, setting me on my feet.
“Hurry up. I’ve got food on the stove,” she shouts back before I hear a door close.
“I need clothes,” I remind him.
“Yeah. I put them away for you while you were sleeping.” He leads me into a giant walk-in closet. The bag I brought is sitting in the corner and all my clothes are now hanging next to his. “We can send someone to get the rest of your clothes next week when the snow storm passes, or we can order new stuff.”
I walk over to my clothes. “It doesn't matter,” I tell him, finding a sweater to wear with another pair of yoga pants. “There is nothing I need right now that isn't already here.” I turn to look at him. He’s watching me.
“I feel the same. You okay living out here? I own a place in the city, too, but I remember you saying you don’t like crowds.”
“Do you like it here, too?” I don’t want him to stay out here because of me when he really wants to live in the city.
“I just want to be near you. I can work from anywhere and I plan on doing a lot less work now anyway. Besides that, out here I get you all to myself.” He lets out a long sigh. “There are a lot of things I need to change.”
“Cory?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, that’s a big one. Get dressed. No talking about other men while you’re naked.” He smacks my ass, making me laugh as I hurriedly put on my clothes. I choose thick socks and slippers over shoes. I braid my wet hair that Robert already brushed for me as I sat on the countertop in the bathroom.
When I turn around he’s leaning in the closet doorway, watching me.
“He works hard to make you proud of him. I think he looks at you more as a father than a brother. At least that’s what it feels like when he talks about you to me,” I tell him.
“He also has some misplaced shit in his head. No one looks at him like some wild partying billionaire. Sure he had his moment in college. We’d just lost our father.” He pushes off the doorframe. “I knew he’d get it together. Just not as much as he has.” He shakes his head. “I don’t want him all about work. I didn't want that before and I really don’t fucking want that for him now when I can see for myself what it’s like having a woman you love in your life.” He moves towards me, pulling me into him. “I’ll fix it.”
“Good. Cause he loves you.”
“I love him, too. He’s my baby brother. Our child's godfather.” I smile in agreement with that. “Now let me show you one more thing before Mom comes tracking us down again.”
He pulls me from the room and down the long hallway. I think we’re going to his office, but instead of turning right we go left to a set of double doors that match the ones that lead to his office.
“A million boxes came for you before you got here. I had no idea what there were, so I might have opened them, too. I guess Cory thought you might want to paint while you were here, so I made you a space.” He swings open the doors. I gasp at the sight in front of me. The whole room is filled with art supplies and canvasses. “It’s not done. I think it needs a few things, but I liked the idea of you being close to my office and thought you might enjoy the view too.” The thick curtains are pulled back, showing the snow-blanketed lawns.
�It’s perfect,” I tell him. “You’re perfect.” I turn to him.
“You can’t paint yet. I looked over the products and I don’t think they are safe to use while you’re pregnant. I already have my assistant tracking some down for you.”
“I think I’ll be too busy to paint for a while.” I lean into him, burying my face in his chest and breathing him in. He lets out a chuckle, making my body shake, too.
“You’re probably right.” He steps back from me and drops down to one knee, a ring box in his hand. “Angel, will—”
Before he can finish I’m all over him. “Yes yes yes!” I tell him. We fall to the ground softly, him turning to make sure I land safely. I feel him push the ring onto my finger. I lift it to look at the ring. “Is that a green diamond?” I ask. I never knew there was such a thing.
“Yes, they are very rare. It not only reminded me of your eyes, but you too, my angel, are rare. I knew the moment I saw it that it was meant for your finger.”
“I love you so much,” I tell him. I’ve never felt this happy in my whole life.
“Love you, too, angel.”
“And I was meant for you,” I let him know. This time I kiss him first, knowing that he’ll always make sure I’m this loved and I will always love him.
Seven years later…
I laugh as my son nails me with a snowball right to my shoulder. “You had it coming.” He points his little finger at me. “Don’t be throwing snowballs at my sister.” He points to his twin sister Rachel, who is now lying in the snow making a snow angel and looking just like her mom.
“I didn’t even hit her!” I laugh. He’s been protective of his twin sister from day one. I stare into the same dark eyes as my own. With that look on his face he could be my twin.
“Well, it was close,” he defends, crossing his arms over his chest. I did toss a snowball her way, one I knew wasn’t going to hit her, but she’s thrown a million at me already. To be honest I enjoyed the high-pitched giggle she made when I tossed one her way. It was adorable. I couldn’t help myself.
It went right past her, but in normal Rachel fashion she fell backwards into the snow, pretending to take a hit all the while making a snow angel. She’s more girl than any of us can handle. I swear sparkles fall off her when she walks. I have no idea where they are coming from, but they are everywhere. My guess is she’s got some glitter paint hidden somewhere. She and Winter could paint in the art studio for hours together.
She sits up and talks her brother into making a snowman. I watch them play, wondering how my own father let himself be so absent from our lives. These moments are priceless. Thank god my angel found me. I would have wasted my life away not having known this was out there.
I turn and look into the windows that line the kitchen. I watch as she makes hot chocolate for everyone. My mom is sitting at the counter and says something to make my angel throw her head back and laugh. The two of them have become so close over the years. Winter calls her Mom, too.
She turns her green eyes to mine when she feels my stare on her. We found out last week she’s pregnant again. After the twins we wanted to wait a while and enjoy them before we brought another baby into the mix, but when I brought up the idea of having another a few months ago my angel threw herself at me. It didn’t take us long to have her pregnant again.
We traveled right after we married. She told me somehow crowds didn’t bother her when I was near. I think it’s because she knows I’d never abandon her like her worthless parents had.
I’ve made it my goal to take her everywhere she’s ever wanted. She still has a list but wants to go to them in time. She loves being here more than anywhere. I love being anywhere she is.
She walks towards the back door and swings it open. “Hot chocolate with extra extra marshmallows is ready!” she yells. The twins go on a dead run, and she has to step aside, laughing, for them to bolt inside. She steps out onto the back porch and leans down and packs a snowball.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” I warn her, only making her smile even bigger.
“Who says I can’t finish?” She throws the snowball at me. It hits me right in the center of my chest. “Not like you can throw snowballs at your pregnant wife,” she adds smugly, mischief dancing in her eyes.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, angel.” I walk towards her. Her eyes get big as I clear the distance between us in only a few long strides. She turns to run back inside, but I’m on her and lifting her into my arms.
Her hands come to my chest as I keep my hands firmly on her ass. “There are other ways I can get you back,” I say against her mouth before I kiss her. She wiggles against me. My cock’s already growing hard as she rubs against me.
“Your mom is here,” she breathes heavily when she pulls her mouth back from mine.
“I know.” I step into the house. The kids don’t even pay attention to us as they sit at the counter talking a mile a minute to their grandma who gives us a knowing smile as I take my wife upstairs.
I kick our door closed behind me and pin her to our bed. “I’m not so sure your plan is going to work.” Her hips rise and it’s clear she wants my cock inside of her.
“We’ll see about that. I wonder how many orgasms I can get from you against my tongue before you beg me to stop.” Her breathing picks up and her eyes widen some.
I smile. I’m betting five, six if I’m fucking lucky, and when it comes to my wife I’m always lucky. I know I always will be when it comes to her. Because she will forever be my Winter.
Unexpected Claim
by Alexa Riley
Ivy is looking to break out of her innocent bubble, so she decides going to an adult club with her bestie is the way to do it. She’s nervous and excited, but nothing could compare to the reality she's confronted with.
Shep’s been totally okay with living his quiet life alone. But his best friend thinks it’s time he changed that. Being dragged into a club wasn’t his idea of fun, but one glance at the snowy angel and he’s done for.
Warning: This book is about grownups doing grown things, so brace yourself! Two virgins walk in... Can you guess how many walk out? One-click to find out!
Chapter 1
I inspect myself in the mirror as I do a little turn. I think it looks cute. I reassure myself as I try not to think how crazy this is to begin with. I have a feeling Reba isn’t going to like my outfit much. I already know she’s going to show up looking like a sex kitten. She dresses like a vixen every day, but I have a feeling tonight she’s really going to push the envelope. It’s something I’ve loved about Reba since I met her a year ago after I moved in across from her. She shakes up my world, and I know I’ve needed it.
“Open up, my sacrificial virgin!” she yells through the door while banging on it.
I slip on my flats as I run out of my bedroom to go and greet her. Luckily we are the only ones who live on this floor. There are four other units in our building not counting the bookstore we sit on top off. I pop the lock and the swing the door open.
“The sacrificial virgin thing was a joke.” Her eyes run over me as she welcomes herself in.
I look down at my outfit. “It’s cute,” I say defensively.
“That’s the problem.” She smiles knowingly at me. She knew I was going to wear something like this.
I look at her outfit and see the very big difference between us. She’s in a red dress that looks like it’s been painted onto her dark skin. The top is so low cut that I bet a nipple could pop out at any moment. She’s completely done up. Her black hair is in curls and her makeup is flawless. Reba has a body made for sin. She’s like one of those pin-up dolls with curves in all the right places. I could never fill out a dress like that.
I’m tiny everywhere and it feels like it even more as I stand next to her in my simple white dress. The top hugs my small boobs and flares out at the hips. It’s one of my favorit
e dresses because the material is lightweight and perfect for a Chicago summer. But this dress could easily be worn to any function and it’s nothing like what Reba has on.
“Look!” I turn around to show her my back. There’s a small slit that reveals a little skin. It’s not much, but I’m trying.
“Your hair looks good.” She reaches out and touches one of my white-blonde locks. I love my hair. It’s got some wave in it and I never have to put in much effort. It’s easy but still pretty.
“Thanks,” I say and go to grab my purse.
“Not so fast.” I turn to look at her. “You’re not wearing flats.”
I glance down at my feet, then over to hers.
“I’ll die in something like that.” She’s got on what look like four- or five-inch heels.
“Don’t you have something else?”
“Yeah, I think.” I make my way back to my room and grab a pair of heels. I sit down on my bed and wrap the straps around my ankle and up my calves before I buckle them.
I walk back into the living room and Reba laughs. “Those are wedges, not heels.”
“They’re adorable,” I protest as I turn around to show her. They are white with a bow on the back of the heel.
“You’re what’s adorable, Ivy.” She reaches in her little purse and digs for a minute before pulling out lipstick and handing it to me. “This will match well.”
It’s a soft pink with a little sparkle. I walk over to the bathroom and put it on.
“While you’re in there, lose the bra,” I hear her say.
I debate it for a moment but finally give in, taking it off and looking at myself in the mirror. You can almost see my nipples. I step out and show her, pointing right at them.