Forever Winter Read online

Page 5

  “I doubt you’ve ever looked like hell, angel.” He shakes his head at me as he comes around the counter. He puts one hand on the counter the other on the back of my chair, caging me. He leans in and I tilt my head back naturally, as if we’ve done it a thousand times before.

  He licks the seam of my mouth and I open for him as he deepens the kiss. The hands that were caging me in mold to my face and he holds me like I’m the most delicate, breakable thing he’s ever had in his hands. It makes my heart clench and my eyes sting with tears. I have to fight them, telling myself that it’s pregnancy hormones and that I’m not falling head over heels in love with a man I don’t know. Or maybe I’m already there. I’ve been asking myself for these past months we’ve been apart if love at first sight is real. That’s also why I thought agreeing to marry Cory, even if just temporarily, felt so wrong.

  When he pulls back, he smiles down at me. “While I do love the taste of chocolate on your lips, I still like your taste more.”

  “Why didn’t you come back?” I blurt out. He’s being too sweet. It’s all too much. I’m going to fall in love with him if I’m not already. I feel my eyes fill with tears.

  “Angel, don’t cry.” He leans down, putting his forehead to mine. “I did. You were gone.” I can actually hear the pain in his voice.

  He lifts me from the chair, carrying me through the house. “You came back?” I repeat, still having a hard time believing it. It was easy to think I’d been abandoned.

  “Yeah.” I stare into his dark eyes. I get lost for a moment wondering what the last four months would have been like if I’d waited a little longer. I was so sure he wasn’t coming back for me. It wasn’t the first time I’d been left. Maybe I’d let my own fears of being abandoned again, like my own parents had done to me, override everything else. Maybe I hadn’t been waiting that long at all, but every second just felt like eternity.

  “I thought—”

  He cuts me off. “I came back,” he says again, a little more forcefully this time. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “You have?” I whisper the words. I want them so badly to be true.

  My back hits the bed as he comes over me and cages me in. “And you’re not going anywhere this time.” He starts pulling at my clothes.

  “I don’t want to go anywhere,” I admit.

  He stops pulling at my clothes, locking his eyes with mine. “Then say it. Not that the baby is just mine but you, too. That I can have you.” His breathing is deep and his hands on my hips dig in a little. To be honest I think that even if I told him I wasn't he wouldn’t stop until I was. I can see it in his eyes that he’d keep trying to win me over until I said yes. In the way that he touches me. Ever so gently possessive and dominating. It’s something I’ve wanted my whole life and didn't know until it was there staring me right in the face.

  “I’m yours. You can have me.”

  He sucks in a breath. His eyes close for a moment. I can tell he is trying to get control of himself. I can’t stop myself from wiggling under him. Seeing him like this makes everything inside of me flex with need. No one has ever wanted me the way he does. It’s intoxicating and empowering to feel so wanted and to know this isn't only about the baby but me, too. That he really wants all of this and he’ll stop at nothing to have it.

  When he opens them he leans down, slowly taking my mouth in a soft kiss. This time when he starts undressing me, it’s not as hurriedly. He takes his time, letting his fingers and mouth touch my skin inch by inch that he reveals as he slips the clothes from my body until I’m bare for him in the center of his bed.

  “I was right when I said you look like a snow angel.” I’m sure the fluffy white blanket I’m lying on only adds to what he’s seeing as he stares down at me.

  “I want to see you.” I lean up on my elbow as he pulls his shirt up over his head and tosses it away. I reach for his belt. He watches me as I undo it and toss it away like he did with his shirt. Next, I go for the button of his pants, but he stops me.

  “I’m not sure I can take your hands there right now. I’m already on edge.” He brings one of my hands to his mouth and kisses my palm.

  “But I’ve never…” My face heats as my words trail off. His grip on my wrist tightens.

  “You’ve never touched a man there?” His words come out deep. I watch as his breathing picks up, his broad chest heaving. I want to run my fingers through the thin layer of hair that coats his skin there. I want to kiss him everywhere like he did to me.

  “Please,” I push.

  He opens his eyes. “How can I say no when you ask so sweetly?” He drops down onto the bed next to me. He reaches up for the head board and grabs a hold of it. “The only way I’ll be able to stop myself from flipping you over and taking my turn back.”

  I sit up, licking my lips. “I’ve never got to do this before.”

  He growls at the first touch of my finger to his bare chest. I run it down over his barrel chest. The man is built. He doesn’t have perfectly defined six-pack abs like Cory, a dedicated runner, has. No, he’s built like a man made for the outdoors. Built for brute force. Again, my thighs clench, reminding me I do have a type. I didn't realize that until now. I lean up, doing the same thing with my mouth I’d done with my finger. He growls as I make it down to his pants. I smile up at him.

  All the muscles in his arms are flexing as he holds on tightly to the headboard. As much as I want to explore all of him, I really want to see how much it will take him to break the control he is trying to fight.

  Chapter 9


  Her delicate small hands slide up my chest. Her touch is so soft I swear it’s almost painful. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it is. I watch her eyes light up as she explores my body, both curious and turned on. Thank fuck she’s enjoying what she’s seeing because this is all she will be getting until this earth tries to take me from her.

  When she told me she's never done this before, I’d almost lost my fucking mind more than I already had. My hand grips tighter to the headboard as she wraps her hand around my cock that is begging for her attention. I would have gone for her already if it wasn’t for the look in her eyes that told me she was enjoying doing this so much. Not that I’m not enjoying it too, but I want my hands on her. I want inside of her again. To be everywhere on her.

  “I don’t remember it being so—” Her eyes flick up to mine, her cheeks turning red.

  “Trust me. We fit together perfectly,” I remind her. More than perfectly. The feeling of being inside of her is branded in my mind.

  She licks her plump lips, making me groan. “I remember,” she says as she leans down, her pink tongue coming out and licking the head of my cock. She makes a small moaning sound before her mouth wraps around me.

  I let out a string of curses. The headboard makes a cracking sound as I grip it with everything I have so that I don’t thrust up into her mouth. She works up and down on my cock, making the sexiest little sounds as she does it. I have to close my eyes because watching her is too much. Her small body is bent over, working her mouth up and down my shaft. Closing my eyes doesn’t help because the image is burned into my mind now.

  “Stop.” Before I even realize I moved, she is pinned below me. My knees push her thighs wide apart to make all the room I need to do anything I want to her.

  “Please,” she begs, her hips rising in invitation. She isn’t scared of my abruptness. If anything, it’s turning her on, showing me how well we really do fit together. “Inside me,” she begs again.

  “I wanted to taste you.” Now I’m the one begging. Her arms come up and wrap around my neck. I could easily break the hold, but I’d be stupid to ever do such a thing. If she wants me right here, then right here is where I’ll stay.

  “I need to feel you inside me again.” She doesn’t have to ask me twice. My cock has already found its way to her pussy, the head pushing inside of her a little. A soft kiss to her cunt.

  I give her a little more,
not wanting to go too quickly. This time I want to feel every inch of her. Savor her. There is no need to rush. I can take all the time I want, and I plan to.

  Her fingers dig into my hair and I watch her face as I slowly push inch by inch inside of her. Not only loving the feel of her pussy wrapping around my cock but the pleasure I see on her face.

  I’m on a razor’s edge, but I need to see her cum for me first. I want to see it on her face as her pussy clamps down around me. I dig my knees into the mattress and move faster. Her moans get louder the harder I thrust into her soft, warm pussy. Her hold on me tightens.

  “Robert!” she calls out as I feel her cum. I follow her over, unable to hold back any longer.

  “I love you,” ’I tell her, crashing my mouth down onto hers as we both continue to cum. I can’t stop myself from thrusting in and out of her. I don’t know why I worried about cumming too fast. It doesn’t look like my dick has any plan of going down any time soon.

  She sighs into my mouth. The sound is one of the sweetest I’ve ever heard. When I pull away, she has a smile on her face. Her cheeks are still a rosy red, but her eyes have fallen closed, reminding me that she looked tired after she’d eaten.

  She needs to rest and I’m going to do my best to let her. I roll so she’s tucked into my side, fighting a growl as my cock slips from inside of her.

  She cuddles in close to me and within moments her breathing evens out and I know she’s fast asleep.

  I brush my nose against her hair, breathing her in. For the first time in forever I feel completely at rest. I could sleep. God knows I need it, but I want to lie here enjoying her naked body pressed to mine and not think about anything else.

  Excitement of what is to come simmers through me. My life is about to change. I never knew I wanted these changes, but now I couldn’t want anything more. In fact, I want to have it all now. Waiting was never something I was good at. I already have a few things covered. She’s here and she has my baby inside of her. Now I just need to get a ring on her finger and get her to fall in love with me. The first will be easy. The second will be tougher, but I want it more than anything. And I always get what I want.

  Chapter 10


  I nuzzle Robert’s chest, enjoying waking up in his bed like this so much more than alone. Though I had woken once, crawling on top of him, wanting another round. Then a few hours later it had been him waking me.

  Each time he told me he loved me. Each time he kissed me quickly after so I couldn’t respond, making me wonder why. No one has ever said those words to me before. Ever.

  I’ve never in my life felt as if I was where I was truly supposed to be. Even living with Cory, that felt temporary. We might always be friends, but it was a moment in time. I had so many of those growing up in the foster system. Friends came and went. One home after another. Now I see my thinking was so wrong. Home isn’t a place. At least for me it isn’t. Him. Robert is home.

  It explains how quickly I’ve fallen into him. That over the months without him, an ache formed in my chest. A missing part. I hadn’t known it had been missing until the piece slipped into place and was then snatched out again.

  He plays with my hair, wrapping it around his finger over and over again. You’d think it was the most fascinating thing in the world. I’ve noticed, though, he is always touching me in some way, from playing with my hair to rubbing his hands up and down my skin, petting me.

  “I should feed you,” he sighs but doesn't move.

  “I don’t wanna move. I don’t think I’ve slept this great in forever.” I let my eyes fall closed again.

  “It’s because you work too much.” My eyes open at his response. “You’ll get lots of rest now that you’re here. It’s not like you can work in the city and live out here. The drive would be too long. Besides, I want you with me. We’ve already lost too much time.”

  I want to be annoyed at him telling me so casually to quit my job like it’s a foregone conclusion, but he imbued his words with too much sweetness. Still, how does he know these things to begin with? “How do you know how much I work? Or even where, for that matter?”

  “Don’t be mad, angel. When I finally figured out who you were, I wanted to know everything I could about you. While you slept I found out as much as I could. I couldn't help myself.” I look up at him. He only looks a little guilty.

  “How do you do that? I should be mad at you for prying and assuming that I’m going to quit my job, but you make it sound so sweet.” I lean up to look at him better.

  “If you really want to wait tables that badly I’ll sit in the kitchen and you can serve me food all day,” he teases. I smack his chest playfully. This is not the Bo I heard Cory speak of. Cory never spoke poorly about his brother, but I guess I thought he’d be grumpier and more overbearing. Okay, maybe he is a little overbearing, but in the best kind of way. He’s nothing like I thought he would be.

  He rolls us so he’s over me. “I want you again, but I have something I want to show you that I think will make you want to stay.” He leans in and kisses me. “I also need to feed you and our little one growing inside of you.” He slips his hand between us, rubbing my belly. His eyes soften even more as he rubs my small bump.

  I know he can’t think the baby is Cory’s, not after my confession of never exploring a man's body. He knows he was my first. Still, it was sweet that he didn’t care. He wants to claim the baby and me, no matter what. But does he still think his brother and I have a thing?

  I reach up, touching his face. He leans in to my touch. “You do know that—” I’m cut off when the bedroom door flies open and slams against the wall. A very pissed off Cory stands in the doorway.

  “Don’t you come in our fucking bedroom. She’s not dressed,” Robert says before Cory can get a word out. He slides from above me, making sure the blankets keep me covered.

  “Two minutes,” is all Cory says before turning and stomping out of the room.

  “Fuck,” Robert mutters, standing from the bed. I sit up as I watch him slide on pants and then a shirt. He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a long sigh. “I’ll deal with this. I don’t want you to worry about anything.”

  “I’m coming with you.” I throw my legs over the side of the bed and cast my eyes for something to wear. I spot my leggings on the ground, so I grab them and pull them on. I really should shower. I can feel Robert’s cum coating my thighs as I pull up the pants.

  “I read you should not be stressed while pregnant. I think you should stay here.” He points to the bed.

  “Not happening. Cory is my—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence,” he snaps. “He’s not your fiancé anymore.”

  “I was going to say ‘best friend.’” I roll my eyes and pull my sweater on over my head. Even when on edge, Robert still ogles me while I get dressed. Once again I want to be annoyed with him, but I’d be a liar if I didn't admit it made me feel sexy. I’m not used to that feeling. It’s never been something I’ve tried to pull off. Half the time my clothes are covered in paint. I’m always in yoga pants and sweaters except when I have to work. I will not miss the uniform from the diner if what Robert said was true. I clench my thighs together thinking about the possessive tone he’d told me that in.

  “Angel,” Robert growls, making me flush because I know he can tell I just got turned on. He reads me easily for the short time we have truly known each other. It makes me think it’s because we were meant to be.


  He holds his hand out for me to take. I slip mine into his as he guides me from the room. I think Cory is going to be outside, but he’s not. It’s not until we are downstairs and walk into Robert’s office that I see him pacing back and forth. His head snaps up as we enter.

  “In the trash? Really?” He’s holding the ring box he gave me. By ‘giving it to me,’ I mean he left it on the kitchen counter the day after he talked about us getting married in name only.

  “I didn't thro
w it away,” I tell him. I try and take a step towards him, but Robert pulls me back to his side. I wouldn't throw the ring away. I would give it back to him. Heck, I tried to give it back already.

  “I know you didn't throw it away.” His eyes cut to Robert, who shrugs. He doesn’t care that he threw the ring out or that he clearly went through my stuff.

  “The only ring she’ll wear will be mine.” He says it so casually. I jerk my head over to look at him. Sure we talked about living together but not marriage. Maybe he’s talking about the future—hypotheticals and what ifs.

  Cory is speechless for a moment. Seconds tick by and I wonder if I should say something, but I don’t want to get in the middle of two brothers.

  “It was you. That night. The man who took advantage of her,” he finally says, putting things together.

  I open my mouth to defend Robert. He didn’t take advantage of me. I was more than willing that night, but Robert beats me to it.

  “I didn't take advantage of her. I took what was mine. Unlike you, brother. You had her for years and didn't claim her. I only needed to see her to know she belongs to be.” My eyes water at his sweet words. “I don’t want this to come between us. I love her and I’m not giving her back to you. I think in time you’ll see you didn't love her as you should have or you would have had her married and tied to you long ago.”

  Cory brings his hand to his face and rubs his eyes. “Did I fall asleep at the wheel? Am I really in a coma right now?” he mutters. He turns around for a moment, giving us his back while shaking his head. He turns back around to look at us.

  “I didn't know he was your brother,” I admit. I don’t want Cory to think I misled him in some way.

  “Doesn't matter,” Robert growls.

  Cory actually cocks a half smile. “This why you’ve been a bigger asshole then normal for the last four months?” Cory asks him. “I’d been wondering what the hell you hired a PI for. You lost her that night, didn't you?” he laughs. “When mom made you go to the hospital.”