Pretty Virgin Page 3
Her face flushes as her eyes widen. “How did you—”
I hold up my hand to stop her. “There’s nothing I don’t know about you.”
“Jason, this is crazy. You tell me you’re so into me that you had to walk away? That you knew instantly that I belong to you, and you’ve been watching me this whole time? Yet I feel like at any moment you’re going to disappear on me again. How am I supposed to react to this?”
“You don’t have to react,” I say, and she sighs. I let go of her hand and place my palm on her thigh and slowly move it lower. “The only thing you have to do right now is feel.”
“W-what?” She stumbles over her words as I push her knees apart.
“I told you that I was going to make sure you eat. And the only thing I want to do right now is take care of you.”
I lean in close and brush my lips gently against hers. “I can’t expect you to understand how I’ve behaved or how strong my need for you is. But I can’t keep putting space between us.”
She gasps as I kiss her and I use the moment to slide my tongue into her mouth. The feel of hers against mine is warm and soft and a shiver runs down my back. If I had it bad for her before, there’s no name for what I’m feeling as she lies back on the bed and opens for me.
Having her body under me settles something inside my soul and I know it’s because finally I’m able to protect her. If I’m here and on top of her, then no harm can ever come to her. I don’t know how I’m going to survive if I can’t do this to her every moment of every day.
When she’s breathless I press my forehead to hers and just breathe her in. “Just feel,” I remind her as I slide down her body and in between her legs.
I reach over and grab the top box on the stack of pies and open it beside her. There’s a plastic fork tucked in with it and I take it out and hand it to her.
I look down at the pie and realize what flavor it is. “Perfect.” I lick my lips as she watches me move my fingers to the edge of her leggings and then pull them down.
She’s not wearing any panties with them and her naked pussy is in front of me, with a small strip of curls that leads right to her soft lips. It might as well be an arrow of invitation as my mouth waters.
“For every bite you take, so will I,” I say, looking up at her.
“Oh god,” she says softly and wraps her fingers around the fork.
“Looks like we’ll both be getting cherry today.”
I wait until she scoops up a bite of the sweet dessert and takes a bite before I lean in close and run my tongue between her folds. We both moan at the same time, but I don’t know if she’s enjoying the taste or the feeling more.
The sweet flavor of her pussy hits my tongue and there’s nothing in the world that I’ve tasted that compares to how perfect she is.
“Eat,” I demand because I need more. I lock eyes with her and she hurries to take another bite as I fall onto her pussy.
“Jason,” she moans as I suck on her lips and then her clit.
“Keep eating, I can’t stop.”
She raises her hips when I slide two fingers into her because I need more. I have to know every inch of her and I can’t wait any longer.
Her fingers move down to where my mouth is and she spreads her lips. The sweet taste of cherry pie is smeared on her clit and I lick it up greedily. The two of us have been edging closer to this line since the day we met and now that we’re here, I don’t know how we can go back. We won’t be able to. It’s as instant as gasoline and fire when we touch and I know that just eating her pussy won’t be enough.
Her legs spread wider and my fingers move faster. Her tight pussy squeezes them and I groan as I lick her pussy clean. She’s so fucking tight and dripping wet that her sweet kitty is begging for my cock.
“I want your pussy all over my face before I fuck you,” I say, running my nose and mouth between her lips.
She cries out as her legs tense and her back arches. Her wet sheath grips me hard and she cries out her pleasure. I look up at her and watch as her cheeks and chest flush. The orgasm takes over her whole body and she grips onto me, grinding her pussy against my mouth. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life, and for as long as I live this will be burned into my memory. It’s the first time she gave herself to me and now there’s no going back.
I reach down and unbutton my jeans as I pull my aching cock free. I jack it a few times to try and prepare myself for the tight entrance ahead, but it’s no use. Nothing can prepare me for what I know will be the tightest ride of my life.
I fall on top of her and kiss her like I’ve been at sea for the last ten years. The taste of buttery crust and sweet cherries mixes with her pussy and I growl. I’m hungry for all of her and I can’t wait any longer.
I push my cock against her opening and feel the soft wet kiss of her pussy against my tip. But just as I’m about to plunge balls deep into paradise, there’s a knock at the door.
Chapter 5
Jason lets out a curse as the knocking grows louder, followed by a woman’s voice calling out his name.
“Fucking hell.” Jason pushes himself up and I hurriedly get myself dressed, wondering who the heck is calling out for him and how they know he’s here. I hate the small trace of jealousy that hits me at hearing another woman call his name.
“Jason! I know you’re in there.” I recognize Gia’s voice as she pounds on the door.
“My sister is noisier than my mom. Not that she’d admit it.” I watch as he fixes his clothes and puts his hard cock back into his jeans. I close my legs tightly as the ache for him grows.
“If I don’t answer she’ll keep knocking.” He licks his lips and I know he’s tasting me.
Jason and I shared a few kisses before but we’d never gone this far. The kisses were mind-blowing, but what we’ve just done made me forget all the things he did and said. I got lost in a mixture of lust and pie. Who could blame me? But the reality of what he said is starting to settle in my mind. I need a moment to catch up not only with my body but my emotions too.
“I’m not playing around!” Gia yells from the other side of the door. “Can’t you pick locks or something?” I hear her hiss to someone out there with her.
“If you want,” the deep male voice tells her.
I have a feeling it’s the guy, Marco, she was with at their mom’s house. I heard him talk about a wedding, so they must be engaged. Pretty sure Jason mentioned that, too, but there’s been a lot to take in today.
“I’m coming,” Jason yells, and I can see he’s trying to get himself together. “Or not cumming,” he mumbles and my face warms.
Jason’s eyes roam over me and I look down to make sure I don’t look like I was just getting it on. I’m really not making a great first impression with his family, which is another reminder that I didn't know he had one until today. They’re clearly a big part of his life, so why would he keep that from me? It reminds me of how my mom treated me. If I was out of sight, I was out of mind.
Jason walks over and unlocks the door before he swings it open. “Don’t touch her fucking lock,” Jason scolds and Marco raises his hands. Was he really picking my lock for Gia? I find it both annoying and cute. I’m a mess.
“You left your keys in your truck, dipshit.” Gia tosses them at Jason.
“How did you know where I was?” He catches them in midair.
“I followed you.” She looks at him like he asked the world's stupidest question. I guess stalking is a family trait.
“I tried to talk her out of it,” Marco sighs with a shrug. He doesn't look as though he tried real hard. From him being willing to pick the lock for her, I’m guessing he does about anything Gia asks.
“You can’t get all up in my business and think I’m not going to get all up in yours.” She puts her hands on her hips, ready to throw down with Jason and it’s kind of cute. I should be mad that she interrupted us, but I need a moment.
Jason went from
zero to a hundred and I need to process that. My body is still riding the bliss of the orgasm he gave me. I had no idea I could cum that hard. I’ve touched myself a few times but never got myself off like that. Not even close.
“Sky, this is my sister, Gia. Gia, this is Skyler.” The glare she has on her brother drops from her face as she turns to look at me. I remind myself to stop thinking about orgasms because this is so not the time.
“Finally I have a girl on my side.” Gia rushes over to me. I stand still as she gives me a hug and I’m shocked by the sudden affection from someone I don’t know. After a beat when she doesn't let go I reach up and hug her back.
“We’re huggers,” she tells me before finally pulling back from me and a giant smile lights up her face. She’s sweet and I see so much of Jason in her features, but other than that they’re two really different creatures. Jon and their mom are the same. They’re sweet and soft, but Jason is the odd one out.
“Us ladies gotta stick together.” She gives me a serious look as she motions with her eyes over to her brother before she mouths the words he’s crazy. I know she’s teasing, but I’m not sure she knows how close to home she’s hit. Jason admitted he has a crazy obsession with me.
I’m not sure if I believe it or not, but he knows some odd things about my personal life. Like when my period was. That could have been a tease that was accurate, or he might have been dead serious. Yeah, I really need to let this all settle in. I didn't know what to do with that information. I have a feeling he isn't lying.
“That all?” Jason asks. He’s holding the door open and making it clear he’s ready for them to go. I don’t think his sister popped in for a hello. There has to be more to her visit.
“Jason,” I scold because I don’t want to be rude but he doesn't have the same sentiment. He wants them gone and the two of us back on my bed.
“Mom said come back to family dinner.” Gia turns to look at her brother. I noticed even in the short time I was at the Fisher home what their mom says goes. She was a sweet woman, but I saw that she wasn’t to be messed with. Gia is looking a lot like her right this second.
“You should go,” I say quickly. It’s for the best if Jason leaves. My body is not in agreement, but I can’t be the reason he stays.
“No, she wants you to come, too.” Gia reaches out and grabs my hand.
Okay the Fishers are handsy people and it’s different than what I’m used to. Their family is all up in each other's business, so why did he hide them from me? As if hearing the question voiced in my head, Jason answers it.
“This is why I didn't want you all to know about her yet.” He motions between Gia and me.
“He never shares well.” She rolls her eyes at Jason and I fight not to laugh. She doesn't care that Jason looks as if he’s about to lose it. Probably because two seconds before she came banging on my door he was about to slide inside of me. Without protection. How had I gotten so caught up in the moment that I forgot about that? I might not have ever had sex, but I’m not completely naïve.
Jason really has put me in a tailspin. “I’ve got a million pies to eat. In fact, you guys should take some,” I suggest, picking up two. I should probably give them more, but I don't want to part with more than that. I’m going to need them tonight.
I hand them to Gia, who quickly takes them. “Mom’s favorite,” she says with a smile.
“They’re wonderful,” I agree. I’ve tried to recreate them a few times and I’ve gotten close but still haven't perfected it.
“Tell Mom I’ll call her later,” Jason adds.
“No, I think you should go too.” I meet Jason’s eyes and his jaw goes hard at my suggestion.
“I’m not going anywhere.” His words are clipped as Gia’s eyes bounce between the two of us.
“Hold my pies,” Gia tells Marco and hands the boxes to her fiancé.
“Jason.” Marco’s voice is low. “Maybe it’s a good idea you just come back to family dinner. Gia’s been excited about seeing you.” Gia looks more excited to see how Jason and I are going to play out right now if you ask me.
“No,” he responds without hesitation.
“Jason,” I try to reason with him. I walk over to where he’s still standing and holding the door open. “I just need a night.”
“I’m not going any fu—” He stops to correct himself and even tries to soften his voice. “Anywhere.”
“I’m not really asking.” I tilt my chin up to look him in the eyes. It’s hard to be stern when you’re so short compared to the other person. I might need some tips from Gia because she could do it.
“You got your time. Now I get mine,” I say, and it might be a low blow throwing that in his face but it’s the truth. I regret it for a second when I see pain flash in his eyes. I remind myself of how lonely I was while he was gone and it helps me hold strong. If I don't get away from him I won't be able to think straight.
“One night.” Jason finally relents. He must have seen something in my eyes.
“I could cut the tension with a knife,” Gia whispers loudly. I forgot for a moment that they’re here.
“It was nice meeting you.” I look to Gia and she’s all smiles.
“Serves him right,” she says and she sounds smug.
“What?” I have no idea what she’s talking about.
“I’ll tell you over next family dinner. We have them every Sunday. I’ll see you at the next one.” She walks over to me and this time she gives me a side hug. “I can tell you all about how my brother can be a dick.” She narrows her eyes on Jason for a moment before a smirk forms on her lips. “He means well though, I can promise you that.”
She steps into the hallway and Marco nods before he and Gia leave. I’m not sure Marco smiles, but his eyes light up when he looks at Gia. Do Jason’s do that too? I always get so lost in him I’m not sure I see everything I should.
Jason closes the door behind them and somehow I know they aren't going anywhere and are still standing out in my hallway waiting for him. He bends down and kisses me, and then I feel myself being lifted off the ground.
His tongue demands entry and I part my lips for him. My body knows what it wants and it’s him. It always wants him. The taste of him is something I’ll never forget even if we’ve only ever kissed a few times. I wrap my arms around him tightly for a moment and lose myself in our connection. What starts out as a rough, hard kiss slowly becomes less rushed. I savor every touch of his tongue as he makes love to my mouth. All too soon he puts me back onto my feet and leans back.
“One night,” he says again and I can tell he wants to kiss me again but he only presses his mouth to my forehead. We probably wouldn't stop if he did it again. “Set the alarm,” he reminds me as he opens my front door.
I nod in agreement and fight the urge to tell him to stay.
Gia and Marco are still standing in the hallway as I thought they would be. She gives me a small wave and I return it before shutting the door behind them and flipping the lock. I do as I was told and set the alarm. I got the thing one day after I met Jason. The landlord said everyone in the building was getting one, but could that have been one of the many ways Jason had never really left my life? I walk over to my day bed and sit down. My mind swirls with different things and I think back on our first kiss and how he’d had to leave seconds after it happened. Was it to get himself under control?
He openly admitted to tracking my phone. I still have no idea how he knows when my period is. Unless he’s watching me? Tracking my purchases maybe? I have no idea how he’d do that, but now that I’m thinking about it this should scare me. I know about obsession because I saw it first-hand.
Obsession can make people do crazy things, but still I want to know what Jason will do next.
Chapter 6
I paced all night thinking about her. It’s not unlike every other night since we met, but now that I’ve had a taste of her I can’t stay away. I’ve got to learn to control my urg
es or I’m going to cause her to run from me. I want her so much, but I know I’ll only push her away if I keep doing what I’m doing.
We spent the afternoon at my parents’ house with everyone hitting me with questions. Luckily my newly engaged sister was a welcomed distraction and Gia ended up being the center of attention. Everyone was focused on her and Marco and the upcoming nuptials. They don’t want to wait to get married, so they needed to finalize things immediately for a quick wedding.
As I sat there and thought about Sky, I wondered what our wedding would be like. It was never if we got married but when. Even when I was keeping my distance I’d jerk off to the fantasy of her walking down the aisle to me in a white dress, her belly big and round with our baby and a diamond on her finger. Having her tied to me in every way possible is the only thing that can make me cum and the only difference about last night was that I knew what her pussy tasted like when I touched myself.
I take the stairs two at a time because I can’t wait any longer. The sun isn’t even fully up, but I’ve brought breakfast and coffee to help smooth it over.
When I get to her door I knock and when I don’t hear anything I knock again, louder. After what feels like an eternity I hear movement on the other side of the door and I see the light change through the peephole, letting me know she’s there.
“Jason?” Her voice is hoarse from sleep and the vision of what she must look like when she first wakes up warms me.
“Yeah, I just want to talk.” It’s a white lie because although I do want to talk to her, I want to eat her pussy again too. “I brought breakfast.”
She opens the door just a little and narrows her eyes at me. When she recognizes the bag from her favorite bakery, her eyes widen and she opens the door all the way.
“I really shouldn’t let you in after all the pie I ate last night.” She steps aside and I place the bags on the kitchen counter as she locks the door.