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His Hostage Page 2
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Page 2
“Give me your bag.” Her purse is beside her on the seat and I need to know what’s in it.
“No.” Her voice is stronger than it was before.
I’ve still got my balaclava on and it makes it hard to see. I look into the rearview mirror and for the first time I see her face. Her blue eyes are so bright they’re almost the color of the sky. She’s so fucking beautiful I can hardly look at her and I’m so busy staring at her I nearly run off the road.
“Shit.” I reach behind me and grab her bag and pull it away from her.
“Just let me go. I swear I don’t know anything and I won’t say a word. You don’t understand, I have to get out of here. I can’t let him find me.”
“Monte doesn’t give a shit about the people who work for him, he just cares about his money.” I see the burner phone in her bag and toss it out the window along with the other cell phone I find in there.
“Hey!” she shouts as she reaches over the seat to grab her bag back from me.
When I get far enough away I turn down a back road and take a side street Track and I used to get high on when we were in school. It’s a dead end road that backs up to the old mill that shut down before we were born.
The sun has set and it’s dark when I park the car. I turn around to face the girl and she’s got nothing but terror in her eyes now.
“Please don’t hurt me.” I see tears form in her eyes and it makes my chest feel like it’s going to split in half.
“Hey, hey, hey.” I know I shouldn’t but I pull off my mask so she can see that I’m not going to do anything. “Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you. I just need you to answer some questions for me and then I’ll let you go.”
“Why should I believe you?”
She’s wary and it’s not like she doesn’t have a right to be. A masked man just stole her and millions of dollars from a parking lot. It’s not exactly first-date material. Why did I just have that thought?
I let out a breath and shake my head as I feel a smile pull at the corner of my lips. “Honestly I don’t know why, and nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. So why don’t I ask you the questions and we’ll go from there?”
She hesitates for a second before she silently nods in agreement.
“Do you have anything on you that’s recording this or that Monte can track you with?” She shakes her head and I look over at the bags. “Are those being tracked?”
“I honestly don’t know. I just saw them put the money inside. He was using my phone to track me but you threw that out a few miles back, so that’s really no good anymore. My other phone was one I paid for so I’d really appreciate that back.”
“Yeah, someone’s already run that over by now,” I say, ignoring her look of disappointment and annoyance. “What’s a pretty girl like you getting caught up with Monte for?”
Now she really looks pissed as she narrows her eyes at me. “First of all, I can’t work for him because I’m pretty? And second, I didn’t know who the hell he was. I thought he was a sweet old man who ran an ink business. Then today I found out just how dark this all was.” She waves a hand to the bags of money and then looks at me. “I honestly didn’t know anything about this and I don’t want any of it. I don’t want to get involved. I just want to get as far away from here as possible.”
“Why?” I find myself asking even though I should be opening the doors and letting her go. “Who are you running from?”
“From this shit.” She rolls her eyes like I’m stupid and for some reason I think it’s kind of adorable.
“Well, bad news, buttercup, because you’re definitely involved now.” I turn back around and crank up the SUV and put it in drive.
“What? No, you have to let me go. Please. I can’t stay here.”
“I don’t think you realize that when Monte finds the empty van and sees that the drop wasn’t made, the first person he’s going to suspect is you.” She puts her head in her hands as I start to drive and I shrug. “There’s no connection to any of us and him, and as of right now there’s no evidence that we took it. So as far as you’re concerned, you need to stay as low as possible.”
“And let me guess, you’re just the guy for the job.”
“Very good, buttercup. Cooper Ross at your service.”
Chapter Three
Cooper Ross.
I bet it’s not his real name. Why would I believe someone who’s wearing a mask? Somehow I keep ending up getting into these situations and I’m going to do it again. Yeah, sure, he’s going to help me lay low for my own safety. He wants something from me or a way to use me. It would be easier for him if I was willing, so he’s trying to make me think he’s on my side. I have to remember who I’m dealing with. He took me against my will and it’s not the first time a man has done that to me. I got away once and I’ll do it again, only this time I don’t think it will be so easy.
I’m not in a busy city like before where someone can hear me scream. We are speeding down a back road and I know I can’t jump out. He must read my thoughts because I hear the locks engage as he speeds up. I reach for the handle anyway to see if it will pop up, but it doesn't. Child safety locks.
“Don’t hurt yourself with a stupid idea,” his deep voice rumbles.
He actually sounds like he cares, but it’s probably because I’ll splatter blood all over the side of his car. Someone would take notice of a women jumping from a vehicle, too, and he wouldn't want that. I’m stuck and panic starts to set in. It creeps up my throat as I wonder what Cooper is going to do with me. How do I keep running into one bad guy after another? Maybe that’s all there is and it’s a cycle that’s never going to end. Maybe I attract them to me like some kind of bad guy magnet. I’m never getting out of the loop and it feels like it’s going to keep happening over and over.
The sudden onslaught of worry, adrenaline, and a mountain of fear take hold and my vision begins to become fuzzy. I can’t focus and my heart is hammering in my chest as my mouth dries up. This isn’t going to be good.
“Breathe,” I hear a voice say and I gasp as my eyes fly open. “Feel me breathe,” he tells me, and I close my eyes again as I try to get my breathing under control. I have to get it together because I can’t do this right now. “Breathe with me.” His voice is soothing and soft.
This time I listen as his big body wraps around mine and he holds me close. I feel his deep breathing and try to match mine with his. It takes me a minute but finally I’m okay. Oxygen fills my lungs and then I remember what’s happening and who’s holding me in their lap. The tightness in my throat starts to rise and I have to blink back tears.
“I promise on my life I’m not going to hurt you.” He voice is low and his warm breath against my ear tickles my skin.
“You said you’d cut me in half,” I remind him when I don’t feel a knife in his hand. They’re busy right now rubbing up and down my arm and back in a soothing pattern.
“That’s when I thought you worked for Monte.”
I do work for Monte, or I guess I did, but I keep that to myself. I already told him that and there’s no reason to bring up something that could make him change his mind. For some crazy reason beyond me, I don't think he will, but I’m not exactly a great judge of character.
“Does that really matter? You seem like the type of man that’s going to do whatever he wants.” My eyes open and I don't know why I’m getting smart with him. I should be keeping quiet and thinking of a way to get out of here. The first step would be to get out of his lap and get on his good side.
“Oh my.” I freeze when I realize he’s in front of my face and he’s got the brightest green eyes I’ve ever seen. He gives me a crooked smile and I see a dimple form on one cheek. I’m guessing he’s gotten this reaction from women before.
His short brown hair is a little messy, but even that makes him look hot. There’s something wrong with me because I should not be thinking about how handsome my kidnapper is.
“I’m not kidnapping you. I’m saving you.”
His smile is bigger now and I realize that I said that out loud. And I also realize that the thing digging into my ass is his incredibly hard erection.
“Sorry,” he says, but he doesn’t look sorry at all. My fears start to rise again but he just shrugs. “You’re beautiful and in my lap. There’s not really any way to stop it.”
My face warms at his comment and I need to get myself together.
He stands up with me in his arms and I let my legs drop as I slide down his hard body. I look around to see we’re on an empty road, but I have no idea where we are. I haven't lived here long enough to know all the ins and outs of the city. The one thing I do know is that it only takes about fifteen minutes to get to the middle of nowhere.
“Back in the car, buttercup,” he tells me and he opens the door.
I do as I’m told because what is the other option? I’m in heels in the middle of nowhere and there’s no way I can outrun him. He’s a big man, but I could feel the hard ridges of his muscles when I was in his lap. He’s fit and the only way I can get away from him right now is if he lets me. I have to bide my time, but it doesn't look like he has any plans for letting me go anywhere that isn't with him.
He closes the door behind me and goes around the car and gets into the driver’s seat. “You do that often?” he asks as he turns to look at me. For a second I don’t know what he’s asking, but then I nod.
“When I was a kid I did. I used to have panic attacks.” I thought I was past them or that I had grown too strong for them to get to me now. That was until Warren came into my life. One was triggered the day I was told I couldn't get a restraining order against him—not that it mattered. What was I going to do, throw the piece of paper at him when he broke in? Me trying to get one only fueled his anger.
“I’m sorry about the knife.” He shakes his head. “I wasn't sure what I was going to get with you, but I can’t be too careful when it comes to Monte. That fucker is crazy.” I actually believe him. “I’m also sorry, but I can’t let you go.”
He puts the SUV in drive and we take off again. We sit in silence for a long time as he drives until I can’t stand it anymore.
“Are we going in circles?” I finally ask when I think I see the same warehouse a few times. They can all blend together at times, but this is the biggest printing press city in the United States. Warehouses are a dime a dozen.
“Have time to kill until the meet-up.”
That’s when I remember him saying something about a meeting spot in an hour. I swallow, wondering who we are meeting, and all I can think is Cooper could have a boss that tells him to get rid of me.
“I’ve seen your face,” I gasp and I know that means they’re never going to let me go.
“I thought you enjoyed looking at me.” His voice is teasing as I glance in the rearview mirror. Once again he’s somehow putting me at ease and he’s making this more lighthearted than it should be.
“You could be another Monte for all I know,” I mumble, not only to remind myself but because I want to see his reaction. The smile on his face drops instantly as he grips the steering wheel.
“Monte will get what’s coming to him.” His words are dark and it’s clear he hates him. At least we have that in common. “We’ll let his own sharks eat him.”
“What did he do to you?” I’m all for Monte’s life coming to an abrupt ending, but it’s clear that Cooper has a vendetta.
“Not just me.” His eyes are back on the road now and I strangely miss the comfort of them. “I don’t believe in coincidences, do you?”
“I never really thought about it to be honest.” I believe in the shit happens motto.
“Two inking companies left. Two.” He shakes his head again. “That’s five that have gone under because of Monte and his dirty fucking deals with his dirty fucking money.” His eyes come back to mine in the mirror. “I won’t let him own this city.”
If I understand what he’s saying that would mean almost everyone would have to come to Monte for ink. That is a big deal. He could have the whole printing industry here in his hands because they have to have the ink. I haven't been here long enough to know how many other ink companies were our competition, but I did hear about one going under. “Going under” isn't the right phrase, though, because it literally went up in flames.
I was amazed at all of the things you never think about coming from warehouses like these, but it takes barrels and barrels of ink each day to keep them running. Is Monte trying to create a monopoly here? Some of the biggest companies in the world have their stuff made here, but I don’t understand why Cooper wants the monopoly for himself.
“Is it because you think it belongs to you?” I start to roll my eyes, but his response stops me.
“No, we all do. The people here have worked hard to build this industry and we’re going to make sure it stays that way.”
Chapter Four
“So tell me your name.” I turn onto another back road and keep on driving until it’s time to meet the boys.
“I think the less you know the better.”
“I could take your purse again and find out for myself.” I cock my head to the side as I look at her in the back seat. Night has fallen and it’s too dark to see her facial expression and I don’t like it.
As if she thinks this over for a moment she sighs and her shoulders drop. “Jules.”
“Jules,” I repeat, and I like the way her name feels on my tongue.
“Is Cooper your real name?” She sounds skeptical, and I smile.
“If I could have changed it to something more badass, I would have, but by this point it’s stuck.”
“It’s sweet.” Her voice is soft and I see her turn to the window and pretend to look out.
“It’s time for me to go to the meet-up spot.” I pause, waiting for her to start bargaining, but it doesn't come. “These guys we are going to meet, they’re important to me.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Her tone is cautious and questioning, but not hostile like before.
“Because I want you to understand that to all of us, you’re the outsider. We’re the ones trying to do this for the right reasons. For all we know you are part of what Monte is trying to do.”
“I’m not. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”
“All I’m saying is that I’m putting my trust in you by introducing you to these men. They are my brothers in every way that counts and I wouldn’t bring you with me if I had another choice.”
“There’s always a choice.” She crosses her arms and looks away again, and I curse the darkness.
“There’s one way to keep you safe and that’s far away from Monte. I’m choosing to believe you and I need you to choose to believe me.”
I watch as she imperceptibly nods and looks at me out of the corner of her eye.
“I’m going to protect you, Jules, so no matter what happens you stay with me. Got it?”
“Will your friends try and hurt me?” she asks softly, and I shake my head.
“No, they won’t, but if someone showed up and tried to, I would protect you.” My words are clear and I stand by every one of them.
Watching the panic attack hit her earlier was almost too much to bear. I saw it coming and had to pull the car over and get her out so she could feel the cool night air in her lungs. I’ve seen it happen to Jonas a few times and we are usually able to help him calm down. I can’t imagine what she’s been through today and I hate that I scared her. It’s true I didn’t know who she was to Monte at first, but now I can see that she’s just an innocent caught in the crossfire.
“You really mean that, don’t you?”
“I know you don’t know me, but I don’t have a reason to lie to you.”
I see the dark cabin up ahead as I turn down the gravel driveway. Once I get to the end of it I put the SUV in park and then shut it off. I get out and open her backseat door and h
old my hand to help her down.
“Come on, buttercup, let me introduce you to my family.” I wink at her and she rolls her eyes, but I can tell she’s fighting a smile.
“Of course I’d get kidnapped by Prince Charming.” Her words drip with sarcasm and I keep a hold of her hand as we walk to the cabin.
“Just think of it as a mandatory vacation,” I say as I give the secret knock on the door.
“Too bad I didn’t pack a bathing suit.” She’s a smartass and I’m beginning to like it.
“Guess you’ll just have to go commando like me.” I wink at her again as the door opens and in the light I can see her cheeks flush.
“Who the hell is this?” Track is standing there, pissed and staring right at Jules.
“Track, manners. Allow the lady to get in the door before you let the accusations fly.”
“What the hell have you done?” Walsh is walking over to us as we step into the house, but I ignore him.
“Jonas and Levi, the money is in the SUV. If you guys want to get started then let’s get to work.” The two guys in the back nod as they get up from the table and walk past us out to my ride.
“Do you care to explain what the hell you are thinking by bringing her in here?” Track begins to pace and I can see his wheels are already turning.
I hold Jules’s hand and pull her closer to me. We walk into the living room. I feel Jules relax a little when the heat of the fire warms her up from the panic attack earlier and the cool night air.
I wait for Jonas and Levi to come back inside with the bags of money, and they open them and begin to divide them up.
“How are you planning to make this work?” Walsh crosses his arms over his chest as he waits expectantly for me to talk.