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Bitten by the King: The Virgin Blood Series Page 2

  I want to smile at him, but right now everything hurts.

  “You were out for three days. I think you were in some kind of coma. We had no idea what to do. Kane and Juliet were talking about taking a trip to find a vampire doctor.” I hold a hand up in protest. “Don’t worry. I just called them,” Valen adds. He sits down on the chair next to Ravana and they both give me a hard look. “We thought you died.”

  “It’s not long now,” I say as I clear my throat again, and this time it hurts a little less. “I’m running out of time.” The two of them share a look and there’s something they aren’t telling me. “Now is not the time to keep secrets.”

  “Dove thinks she’s found your mate. The girl in the pictures,” Ravana says, glancing over to them.

  The memories of her words right before I passed out come flooding back. “How can it be that she’s Gordon’s daughter? It can’t be possible,” I say. How could he have found her?

  I met Gordon when I was a young vampire and traveling the world. His maker had just died and he rose to power overnight. At the time I didn’t understand what it meant to run a city and be in charge of other vampires. Or what it meant to keep our secrets safe. But Gordon was brought up by someone who thought that vampires should rule the world without care or remorse for who they had to kill along the way. At first, I thought there were things I could learn from Gordon about how to maintain control of an area and how to create wealth beyond my wildest dreams. But in the end, all I felt was cold and empty.

  He believed that in order to have people follow you, they must fear you, and I didn’t agree. We went our separate ways, and I thought he’d taken up residence in the snowy hills of Russia. I assumed he would live out his years there because he didn’t believe finding a mate was the secret to vampire immortality. He believed that if he tasted enough human blood it would be enough to keep him alive forever, no matter what our history taught us.

  I read all of the ancient books he had and tried to absorb as much knowledge about our kind as I could before I had to move on. I couldn’t be around his darkness without feeling like I’d become just as black and soulless as he was. That was decades ago and long before I created the family I have today.

  Now my territory covers the expanse of the city and we live in peace. My family has found their mates and seeing how happy they are makes me happy, too. It makes me realize that I made the right decision in bringing them into the fold and creating all that we have.

  I ask myself as I lie here feeling powerless and weak, would Gordon River search the world for my one true mate and then lock her away from me? Of course, he would. He’s the cruelest man I’ve ever met and he’s power hungry. That’s a dangerous combination and the reason why I avoided him for so long. But if he has the woman that I’ve been dreaming of, my mate, then there is nothing I won’t do to stop him.

  “Where is she?” I ask, and Ravana and Valen exchange a look. “Where?” I ask again, this time my voice stronger.

  “The twins have a plan to try and get her,” Ravana admits and holds her hands up when I try to move from the bed. “No! You have to rest.”

  “I can’t let them do that. They don’t know what kind of man he is.”

  “The sun is up, Bishop. None of us are going anywhere,” Valen says, standing up and placing a hand on Ravana’s back. “You need to conserve your strength.” There’s a sad look in his eyes as he shakes his head. “We don’t know how much longer you have.”

  Ravana lets out a sob and puts her face in her hands. I reach out and place my palm on the back of her head as she cries. While I love everyone in this family, Ravana and I have always had a closer bond. She is, after all, my blood. My niece I tried to protect from afar, but failed and had to turn her to save her.

  “Don’t do that,” I say, trying to keep my voice light. “We knew this day was coming.”

  She sniffs as she sits up and wipes her face. “I’m going to go call Juliet and make sure she knows you’re awake. She said Kane has been pacing the floors all night.”

  With that, Ravana gets up and practically runs out of the room.

  “She’s been by your side the whole time,” Valen says, taking her empty chair. “I don’t think she realized how much losing you would affect her. But I think finding out you’re the last true family she has left has hit her hard.”

  “She’s always been special to me and I’m glad she has you now.”

  “She thinks of you as her father.” He shakes his head. “You have to figure out a way to stay alive. She’s talking about letting you drink all of their blood to see if any of it works.”

  “And what did all the mates say?” I ask and feel myself smile.

  “I’ll be honest, it did not go over well,” he says, shaking his head.

  “Mates are very protective,” I agree, and he smiles. “Drinking the blood of another vampire or human is sacred. It should only be shared between bonded mates. I understand Ravana’s desire to do whatever it takes to save me, because I’d do the same for my family. But drinking her blood or yours won’t save me. Only the taste of my true mate will do that.”

  “And do you believe that this Gordon guy has her? Your mate?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, glancing over to the picture I’ve drawn a thousand times.

  The first time I slept after I was created I dreamed of her. For two hundred years she has come to me every night, in one way or another. Some nights it’s just visions of her and other dreams feel as real as if she were here beside me. It’s been torture knowing exactly what she looks like, down to the birthmark on her shoulder, but not being able to find her.

  “I’ll only know if I’m close enough to scent her, but I don’t know how that’s going to be possible.” I move my legs and they ache with even the slightest touch of the sheets against them.

  “If it’s up to the family, we’ll find a way,” Valen says, and he leans forward and grabs my hand. “You are the leader of all of us, so you have to fight.”

  I nod because he’s right. Now isn’t the time to give in and let death take me away. I need to pull together all the strength I have left and find a way to get to her. My violet-eyed angel who’s been with me the whole time. If Gordon has her, it will be his final mistake.



  I lie on my bed as I click away on my laptop. It’s been days since I helped the girl escape and I keep checking the local news to see if she’s missing. There’s nothing, so that has to be good. If something happened to her then her family would have reported her missing. Relief fills me each time I click on the news page and don’t see her. Though there are other missing girls.

  My eyes drift across the screen to the five missing women. All of them have red hair and I subconsciously reach up and touch my own. I freeze when I recognize one of them. I only met her once. She came to deliver groceries over a month ago when the normal delivery guy was out sick. We only shared a few words, but she was nice. She rushed out when Dad entered the kitchen, but it wasn’t unusual because people always seem afraid of him. They leave his space as quickly as possible unless he uses his charm on them. I think he enjoys when people scurry from the room. I never felt that way, but maybe I’m used to whatever vibe he puts off because I’ve grown up around it. I understand that feeling because I get it when I’m around Greg. I have a need to be anywhere else but within reaching distance of him.

  My chest starts to ache and I hate this swirl of emotion that has been closing in around me. Even in my sleep I can’t escape it. When I close my eyes all I see is Bishop. I still haven’t asked my dad about it for fear of learning things I don’t want to know. It’s childish and weak.

  Guilt hits when I think about all these growing questions of doubt surrounding my dad. I’m turning into everyone else and running from the room when he enters it. I know we can’t go on this way. At least, I can’t.

  I type our old address into the search bar and start clicking around. Two redheaded woman from the area went missing in the past, but it’s been over a year since the last disappearance. I sit up and cross my legs as I pull the laptop into my lap. I don’t want to believe what is right in front of me because it could be a coincidence. It’s too painful to think of what else it might mean. What if it’s one of his men? So many came with us in the move—that has to be it. I try to reason with myself as I grab onto any other possibility.

  I keep scrolling and almost scream when I see a picture of my old guard Sam. I put my hand over my mouth to stop the fear from bubbling up as I scan the article and see the police are looking for leads. His body was found washed up under a bridge near where we used to live. According to the article it was shortly after we moved.

  I close the laptop and toss it to the other side of the bed, not wanting it near me. Tears fall down my cheeks even with my eyes closed tightly. I muffle my sobs with my hand, but it’s no use. I can feel that it’s only beginning, so I jump up from my bed and rush to the shower. I turn it on and strip off my clothes before I get in. I let the shower drown the sounds of my sobs as I rest my hands against the cold tile to keep me upright.

  I cry for Sam, I cry for my dad, and selfishly I cry for myself.

  The enclosed shower walls around me squeeze tight and I want nothing more than to run. I don’t know where I’d go, but I imagine it’s a place where my dad can explain it all away. He can tell me my imagination has gotten the best of me and everything is going to be okay. The alternative is running from him, and that thought causes me even more pain.

  There is nowhere to go. I have no one and I have no doubt my dad would find me.

  When the water finally turns cold I pull myself from the shower and wrap a towel around me. I freeze when I open my bathroom door and see Greg sitting on my bed with my laptop open. His eyes roam over me as they always do, but this time all I have is a towel to cover me. The side of his mouth turns up and I swallow as I try to not look afraid.

  “Why do you have my laptop?” I ask, and I’m surprised my voice is steady.

  “It’s my job to keep an eye on you.” He shuts it and stands from the bed.

  I fight the urge to take a step back. Men like him enjoy the fear they can incite in people. I know that from watching my dad. He enjoys it too much, but I always chalked it up to being the boss. Now I’m not so sure that’s true. His way of life is all I’ve ever known, and from what I’ve just discovered, it might all be an illusion.

  “I wasn’t aware I couldn’t have some sort of privacy.” I raise my chin in challenge.

  “You’ll never have that.” I glance away from him to my closed bedroom door, wondering if I could make it. I might not need to because my scream would get attention. “But you know that already, little Loren.”

  I look back at him and he licks his lips. I can tell something is rattling around in that head of his.

  “He killed the last man who watched over you.” I’m not sure if he knew that already or if he just saw it on my laptop.

  “No,” I say, but my head is nodding, not only shocking me, but I see it on Greg’s face, too. My faith in my dad is faltering and I just gave Greg a weakness.

  “Why?” His voice is low now.

  “I don’t know.” A tear slips free. I was sure I’d cried them all out. I was wrong. I was wrong about many things.

  We both stand in silence. It’s not uncomfortable, there just aren’t any words I can find to say. At least that why I’m quiet. Greg is a little slower on the uptake, but even as I take the mental jab at him I realize I’m the one who’s slow.

  “He kills them,” he finally says, and this time I can’t stop the chill that runs over me at the impact of his words. “Dear old daddy isn’t who he pretends to be in front of you. You’re his darling sweet daughter.” He licks his lips again. “Do you think he thinks about you when he kills them? You know I’ve read about that shit. Killers pretending to kill the same person over and over again. Some sick shit if you ask me.”

  Suddenly I envision all those girls with red hair. The disgusting thought had entered my mind for the briefest moment before I tossed it back out. Greg is shining a light on it, on everything I’m refusing to look at. He’s giving the thoughts voice and it makes it feel real.

  He shakes his head. “Though I could see why not having the real thing would be unsatisfying. Especially when it’s right in front of you.” He clears the rest of the distance between us and everything inside of me freezes.

  He runs his finger down my cheek and it keeps going down my neck and across the top of my breasts. I want to slap his hand away, but I keep my grip on the towel.

  “I bet you’re untouched, aren’t you? You’ve been locked away from anyone getting to you, when really you should fear what you’re locked in with.”

  “Are you going to hurt me?” I ask, because I’m sick of not knowing.

  His words are true and I should fear what’s around me. All this time my dad has been saying things out there could hurt me because of who he is, but the danger lingers within these walls.

  “No, I don’t want to hurt you. I want you as my own because he doesn’t deserve you.” Greg’s nostrils flare and the darkness I know he has in him flashes in his eyes. I notice the way he says want to, meaning he will if he has to.

  It’s in that moment I know it’s better the devil I know. My dad has never laid a hand on me. He might be capable of horrible things, but so far it’s not been to me. His temper with me is growing and I can feel it. Tension is in the air and I know all it will take is a spark. Still, I’d be safer with him than Greg. Maybe I could get out of here with the help of Greg, but I still have my own hidden escape path if they haven’t destroyed it.

  “He’d kill you if he knew what you were saying.” I remind Greg who he’s messing with. I’m trying to use the fear my dad uses on others to get Greg to back down.

  “But you won’t tell, will you?” His smile broadens. “You don’t like to see people hurt, which is unlike your father.” He leans down, brushing his nose against my neck and up to my ear. “Or maybe you don’t want me to get hurt. I’ll get you out of here and then I’ll have you all to myself.” He walks away from me and leaves the room. I’m relieved, but his fantasy that I want to be with him is terrifying.

  I stand there knowing the sun is setting and I need to make a choice. Greg is right. I won’t tell on him because I know it will mean his death. I don’t know if I can run, but what I do know is I can’t let my dad go on killing women. Even if it means sacrificing myself.



  “What’s the plan?” Kane says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

  The whole family came over an hour ago and I’m just finally able to get out of bed and walk to the study. As soon as I sit down, Kane starts in.

  “The man just got out of bed. Do we really have to make a move right this second?” Ravana asks as she looks around the room.

  A silence falls over everyone and I smile softly at her. “As I’ve said before, I don’t have much time left.” I turn to Dove and nod. “Tell us what you know.”

  “Not much, but I think she’s being held either against her will or under false pretenses.”

  “What makes you say that?” I ask, hanging on her every word. This could be the mate I’ve been searching for and I have to find out.

  “Just a feeling when I looked at her. I think the fact that she had a secret escape route is a big indication that it’s not safe for her. All I know is that her name is Loren and she’s Gordon’s daughter.”

  “Did you know he had children?” Ezra asks, and I shake my head.

  “No, the last I heard he was still without a mate and trying different ways to stay alive forever. He didn’t believe that love was the key to eternity,” I say, and I see the mates all look at one another.

  “He couldn’t have had a child without a mate,” Valen says, his eyebrows pulling together. “It doesn’t work until you find one, right?”

  “Right,” Kane says in agreement. “Unless he had a mate, it would have been physically impossible for him to have a child. Are you sure he hasn’t found his?”

  “There’s always the possibility,” I say, but it doesn’t fit with the Gordon I know. “I think he would have seen a mate as a sign of weakness. It’s not his style.”

  “What do we know about where she’s being held?” Kane asks, and Erik walks over to the monitor and turns the screen on.

  “This is where we found Dove,” he says as images come up on the screen. “Ezra and I went and got as much intel as we could yesterday, and from what we saw, the place is heavily guarded.”

  Valen lays down blueprints of the house and rolls them out. “I called in some favors and got this a few hours ago.” He points to a room that faces the woods where Dove ran through. “From what I could tell based on the twins’ pictures of the outside, this is where Loren is being held. She’s guarded by two men that trade out day and night shifts. If I had to guess, it would be between a human and vampire based on the sun,” he says, and I nod.

  “We’re afraid the path that our Dove took has already been breached so that point of entrance is out.” Erik says as he clicks through more photos. “The exterior guards line every exit with heavy weapons and the fact that Dove got out alive is a miracle.”

  “If we can’t break in, can we draw them out?” I ask and Valen nods.

  “That’s my suggested plan of extraction.” Valen turns over the blueprint to reveal a plan of the surrounding block and nearby properties. “We line explosives here and here,” he says, pointing to four key points around the house. “I say we time them to go off in intervals to create confusion.”

  Kane steps forward and points to a place on the map. “I’ve hacked into their security system and this is their emergency exit. If there’s a problem, this is the way she’ll go.”