Built For Her Read online

Page 11

It’s hours later by the time Genevieve is finished giving the chief everything he needs. She’s exhausted, and all I want to do is take her home and put her into bed.

  “What about my car and my purse?” she asks.

  “Our team brought in your purse,” The chief says as he opens a drawer and takes it out. “If you’d like, I can send an officer to get your car and bring it home for you.”

  “That would be great,” I say. Genevieve reaches out and takes her bag, then looks at me with tired eyes.

  “We’ll be in touch,” the Chief says. We shake hands and exit the station.

  Genevieve is leaning on me as we walk over to the truck, and I have to pick her up and put her inside. She’s quiet on the drive home, and I know she’s worried about her sister. I wish there was another way I could ease this pain for her. I wish I could go out and find Mark and end this with my bare hands. But my first job is to protect her, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  We go into the house and I punch in the code then reset the alarm. I carry Genevieve upstairs and take her to the bathroom. I run a hot bath in the claw foot tub and strip her down before I place her inside. I kiss her softly, then leave to let her soak.

  I’m getting the bed ready for her when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I see the number on the screen I step out into the hallway to answer it.


  “Bad news,” the Chief says. “It looks like the brake line in her car had been cut. Our officer was able to get out safely, but her car is totaled. I’m adding this to the report and you better believe I’ve got my whole squad looking for him.”

  “I’m just hoping you find him before I do,” I growl as I clench my fist thinking about what could have happened to my girl.

  “You and me both, Barrett,” he says.

  I ask him to keep me updated and end the call. I can’t tell Genevieve this. Not tonight. Not on top of everything else she’s had to deal with today. All I can do now is thank god she wasn’t behind the wheel and keep her by my side. The rage that is bubbling under the surface of my skin won’t be held back for much longer. Mark has hurt my family in so many ways, but now he’s attacking my soon-to-be wife and maybe even my baby. The games are over, and I’m finished fucking around.

  Chapter 23


  “It’s been two weeks and nothing has happened,” I say as stir the pot on the stove.

  “That’s because I’m with you all the time,” Barrett answers. He comes up behind me and kisses me on the neck before he steals a slice of garlic bread and escapes to the other side of the kitchen.

  “Hey! That’s for our guests.” I pretend to give him my best scowl, but all he does is flash that mischievous grin at me and I’m done for.

  “I’m hungry. Besides, they’re not guests, they’re my sisters and they don’t count.”

  “This is important,” I say and put my free hand on my hip, trying again to look stern. “You can’t see the dress before I walk down the aisle. It’s tradition.”

  “Lady, nothing about us is traditional.”

  I know he’s right, but I really wanted this to be special. For the past two weeks I’ve been basically on house arrest. Gabi and I have even had to resort to FaceTime in order to plan the wedding. Although she and Neal are coming over for dinner tonight, it will be the first time we’ve been face to face since that horrible day when Mark threatened her.

  There’s not been a single peep from Mark since the flowers and the phone call. But Barrett is convinced he’s biding his time. I think he had every cop in the city up his ass and he had no choice but to get the hell out of town. No matter what my logic may be, Barrett is bound and determined to keep me safe.

  The past two weeks haven’t been so bad though. Hell, they’ve been absolute heaven. I’ve had him all to myself and we’ve gotten so much done on the house. I never realized what a great team we could make, but as we move to different rooms we flow like a well-oiled machine. I’ve learned so much from him, and he loves my design style. I guess we’ve both realized we’re a perfect match in and outside the bedroom.

  I blush when I think about how we’ve explored every inch of our bedroom. Who would have thought a couple of virgins like us would be so damn horny? We can’t go more than half an hour without giving one another the look. We were painting the living room just this morning and somehow, I ended up bent over while still holding a paintbrush. My lower body clenches at the memory and I glance up through my lashes to see Barrett’s eyes trailing up and down my body. Damn it, he always knows.

  “Don’t look at me like that. They’ll be here any minute,” I say, trying to hide my smile.

  “I’ll be quick,” he promises as he steps around the counter and walks towards me.

  “Yeah, but what if I don’t want quick?” I lick my lips and watch his muscled body move in closer.

  “Then maybe we say fuck dinner and I take my goddamn time.” He grabs my waist and pulls me close, leaning down to kiss me.

  Ding dong.

  The alarm sounds, telling us there’s a vehicle in the driveway, and Barrett steps back, growling in frustration. It isn’t like he hasn’t had me twice already today. But we’ve gotten used to going at it whenever we feel like it and having to wait is going to be torture.

  “It’s Lynn and Steph,” he says as he goes to the door.

  I’ve kept in touch with both his sisters since the night of the fair. I asked the two of them to come wedding dress shopping with me tomorrow and they agreed. I was worried Steph wouldn’t make the trip, but she said there was no way she could miss it.

  The plan is to go with Gabi, Lynn, and Steph to the dress shop and try on a few and let them help me decide between a couple that I like. But I don’t want Barrett to come and he’s totally vetoed the idea. I’m hoping with everyone here tonight we can somehow convince him and Neal that we’ll be perfectly safe if they wait outside the shop.

  I drop the ravioli in the pot of boiling water and then go wash my hands. I look outside and see Barrett giving his sisters hugs and it warms my heart. I look down at my fingers and see there still isn’t a ring on it. I’m not a materialistic woman, and I don’t need a ring to prove my love for Barrett, but I had hoped for some sort of symbol that I could wear. He also hasn’t said he loves me since the whoops on the phone that day. That’s all I can call it because it must have been accidental. I try not to let the disappointment get me down, because he constantly shows me how he feels. And actions are truly more important than words.

  “So, what’s this I hear about my baby brother tagging along with us to go dress shopping?” Lynn asks, pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

  It’s comical that she can call him baby brother when he’s nearly a foot taller than all of us.

  “I told you he’s being ridiculous,” I say and give her a hug. I hug Steph next and whisper in her ear that I’m so thankful she made the trip.

  “I couldn’t possibly miss a chance to look at pretty wedding dresses and sip champagne.” She winks at me just as Barrett gets all worked up.

  “Hey, you didn’t say anything about drinking.” He points a finger at me and then his sisters.

  “Relax,” I croon, rubbing his chest.

  “Who’s drinking? Not Gabi.” Neal comes in the door with a scowl on his face.

  Gabi is stuck to his side and she just rolls her eyes. “We’ve been here three seconds and already I’m being told no.”

  She comes over and I wrap my arms around my sister. Being apart for two weeks has been harder than I thought possible. We’ve never been separated like this before and I don’t like it.

  Reaching down, I rub her tummy and smile. “How are my twins?” I tease, and she pushes my hand away.

  “Don’t you wish that evil on me. Mom already said twice this week she hopes I get exactly what we put her through.”

  We both laugh because our mom is right. She and Dad are still down in Florida having a great retirement. We d
ecided not to tell them what’s going on because we didn’t want to worry them. Barrett and I video chatted with them several times so they could “meet” and talk about the wedding. My parents were so excited and supportive even though it’s only been a short time. The wedding is a month away, so they’ve decided to wait and come up the week before so that they can meet our new extended family before the big day.

  It was the same when I talked to Barrett’s parents for the first time. They are on a cruise in Alaska for the next three weeks, but they’ll be back in time for the wedding. They were so excited for the two of us, and I keep thinking how lucky we are to have an amazing family that supports our love.

  “Are you sure you don’t want Mom with us for the dress shopping?” Gabi asks, and I give her a look. She laughs and nods. “Yeah, I know I didn’t either. She’s so sweet, but the last time someone wore puffy sleeves to a wedding it was in a Guns N’ Roses video.”

  “You must be Gabi. Ginny has told us so much about you,” Lynn says, and she and Steph introduce themselves.

  We all talk for a few moments and I see Neal and Barrett talking together out of the corner of my eye. I should probably want to know what they’re saying to each other, but they’re likely plotting ways to keep us inside the house forever.

  “Dinner is ready if you guys want to go ahead and grab a drink then come up to the bar. We’re doing family-style pasta and sauces tonight, so you can make your own,” I say as I set down the stack of plates.

  Barrett and I wanted everyone to meet and have a casual dinner, and this was the best way I knew how. Plus, it lets me get three more people on my side of the argument and I really want to win this one.

  “Hey,” Gabi says, pulling my arm so I go with her to the other side of the kitchen.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper and check back over my shoulder.

  “I just want you to know that I’m your sister. You can play nice with Lynn and Steph, but you better watch yourself.” She glares at me and I have to fight a smile at her being jealous.

  “You’ve been on house arrest too long,” I say, giving her a big hug.

  “I know,” she whines, and I can’t hold back my laughter any longer. “I’m going crazy.”

  “If all goes well tonight, then we’ll be tasting cakes and having fake cocktails tomorrow afternoon,” I say and give her shoulders a squeeze.

  “Right,” she says, focusing on Neal and Barrett. “I’ve brought out the big guns. I’ve been withholding sex until he agrees.”

  “Damn, no wonder he’s in a foul mood. How long has it been?”

  “Eleven hours and twenty-seven minutes. I don’t know how much longer I can take it,” she says and pretends to cry. I roll my eyes and turn to walk away, but she grabs my arm. “Get this settled tonight, Ginny. I’m super hormonal and I’ve got needs. You understand me?”

  “We got this,” I say and then we fist bump.

  Barrett can’t keep his eyes off me all through dinner. At first, I thought he was just doing it because all the women at the table are pushing for him and Neal to let us have our day tomorrow. But as the conversation moves forward and dinner turns into dessert, his stare becomes hungry. My body responds exactly how it always does when he looks at me like I belong to him. Like I’m his property to do with as he pleases. God help me, it shouldn’t turn me on, but it does.

  I’m a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man, but when he looks at me like that I’m a damsel stuck in a tower and the only escape is on his dick.

  I clear my throat as I place the banana pudding on the table and pass out plates. I try my best not to look at him, but I feel his eyes undressing me. I’m sweaty and aching between my legs, and all I want to do is sit on his face.

  “Ginny?” Steph says, and I have to remind myself we’re not alone.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Do you want some?” she asks, smiling and looking between Barrett and me.

  I have to stifle a moan when I think about how bad I want it. But then I remember she’s not asking about Barrett’s cock.

  “Maybe later,” I say, biting my lip.

  “Fine,” Barrett says, and the room goes silent.

  “Fine what?” I hedge, not wanting to get my hopes up.

  “The ladies can go into the shop on their own tomorrow. But Neal and I will wait outside the entire time. And you’re not allowed to even think about leaving the shop or going anywhere we aren’t. Deal?” he says, and everyone looks to me.

  “I think we can accept your terms,” I answer, trying to play it cool.

  “Thank god,” Gabi says as she stands up and pulls on Neal’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Hell, yes,” Neal whoops and they practically run out the door.

  I put my hand over my mouth to smother a laugh, because I know exactly what’s about to go down.

  “I think we better head home, too,” Lynn says as she and Steph grab their stuff. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait,” Steph says, coming over and giving me a big hug.

  “I’m so excited. I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  Barrett walks them out to the car and I clean up the kitchen until he comes back inside. Once he closes the door, he sets the alarm and helps me put away the dishes.

  “Hey, I want to show you something,” he says when we’re finished.

  “I’ve seen the skylight, but I’d love for you to show it to me again,” I say, my body tightening with desire.

  He smiles as he pulls me into his arms and leans down to kiss me. “All in good time, lady.”

  He leads me up the stairs and down the hall to the room beside the master bedroom. We’ve been lovingly calling it the junk room since all our boxes of crap are being stored in here. We didn’t want to keep moving them around while we worked on the house, so we just put them in here.

  “I’ve been keeping a secret from you,” he says, pulling a key out of his pocket.

  “Does it have to do with how much stuff you’ve moved in and how many boxes are in that room?” I joke with him, but his face is serious. “Okay, tell me.”

  “No. It has to do with us.” He turns the key and pushes open the door. He walks into the room and turns on a little lamp.

  The room is bathed in soft light, and I gasp as I look around at the beautiful baby room. “Barrett, when did you do this?”

  He holds his hand out to me and I go to him instantly.

  “I’ve been working on it for a while. Mostly when you sleep, though. You are a super-heavy sleeper by the way.”

  I poke his chest and he grabs my hand, bringing my wrist to his mouth so he can kiss it.

  “There’s something else I’ve been keeping from you,” he says as he gets down on one knee. “My sisters brought my grandmother’s ring tonight. My mom wanted me to have it and to propose to you with it. After they talked to you the first time they knew you were the one just like I did. Lynn actually had to go break into their house to get it, but it’s the one we all wanted you to have.”

  Happy tears stream down my face as he slides the delicate band on my ring finger. It’s a huge emerald cut diamond surrounded by yellow diamonds set in a gold band. It’s classic and timeless just like our love.

  “I love you, Genevieve. I wanted to wait to tell you that, until I was asking you to be my wife. I know I slipped that day when I got off the phone.” He smiles and shrugs. “But I just can’t help it with you. I love you so much and I’ve wanted to tell you that every day since the moment we met, but I thought you might think I was nuts. But here I am only a few weeks later asking you to marry me in our baby room.”

  “I love you, too, Barrett,” I say, wiping away the tears.

  “I want you to be my wife, and I’m not really asking. But I’d like for it to appear that way,” he says as he slides on the ring and kisses my finger. “I won’t let you change your mind, and I won’t let you have more time. So, please just say yes and let’s cut to the chase.”
/>   “Yes!” I shout as I throw myself into his arms.

  Chapter 24


  I lunge for her as she falls into me, and I wrap my arms around her waist. I stand up and her legs automatically go around me as our mouths connect. I press her against the wall, my hands going to her ass and grinding her body against me.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to make you my wife,” I grunt, walking out of the nursery and to our master bedroom.

  She clings to me and I can only make it a few steps before I turn and set her down on the dresser nearby. I don’t even have the patience to make it to the bed before I’m pulling out my cock and she’s wiggling out of her shorts.

  “Get your tits out,” I order her as I yank down the front of her tank top. I hear tears in the stitching, but I don’t care.

  She pulls down one cup of her bra and I lean forward latching on to a nipple as I pull her ass to the edge of the dresser. The hard peak drags across my tongue while I slide into her wet warmth. Her hands tighten in my shirt, her legs squeeze my waist, and she cries out for more.

  “Put your hand on your chest. I want to fuck you while I look at the ring I put on your finger.”

  She does as I ask while I yank the other cup of her bra down and then suck that nipple. Fuck, I love seeing my ownership on her. It’s only a ring for now, but I already know she’s got my baby in her, too.

  “Your period is late,” I say as I look down to where my cock thrusts into her pussy. I rest my hand on her lower belly and use my thumb to play with her clit.

  “I know,” she moans as my cock gets harder.

  Every time I think about cumming inside her it swells up. She whines when I stretch her out with my thickness but doesn’t tell me to stop.

  “That innocent little pussy drank it up,” I say as I give her my cocky grin.

  Her nails dig into my chest, and I lean down to kiss her.

  “It’s okay, lady. I like how hungry you are for it. You’re growing my baby in there right now.” I thrust all the way to the base of my cock and hold it there as I grind against her clit.