Forever Winter
Forever Winter
Alexa Riley
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Unexpected Claim
Chapter 1
HEA on the go
Stalk the Author
Copyright © 2019 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Edited by Aquila Editing
Cover Photo by Sara Eirew
Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations
When Winter agrees to go to a charity event to support her best friend, she never expects the night to change her life. She meets a brooding, sexy stranger who saves her from a creep, and they share an irresistible attraction. Winter allows herself to give in to temptation, but too soon all hell breaks loose when the fire alarm interrupts their rendezvous and she loses her handsome stranger in the chaos.
Bo has been searching for the woman of his dreams for four long months. When his brother Cory’s fiancée shows up at the family estate pregnant, his world is turned upside down.
Warning: Wrap yourself up in this winter wonderland and stay cozy with us! This secret baby book is everything you want with a side of extra, just the way we love it!
I fidget, feeling out of place. Cory puts his hand in the center of my back to guide me into the enormous ballroom filled with people dressed to impress. I might have on a fancy designer dress, but I still feel like I stand out. I don’t belong here. It’s the story of my life. You’d think I would have grown used to it by now, but still it lingers.
The smell of champagne fills my nose as a waiter walks by holding a tray full of glasses of the bubbly liquid. Cory grabs one and tosses it back, not bothering to ask me if I wanted one. He knew I wouldn’t. I’m actually shocked he drank one himself. He never drinks. At least anymore.
I’ve only seen him drink once. No, I’ve only seen him drunk once. The very night I’d met him when he almost threw up on my sneakers. That would have sucked. They’d been my only pair of shoes at the time. I might have helped him that night, but he’d been the one who helped me these past few years. Though I’m sure he would argue that fact. He always says I’m the one who helped get him through college, but he’s the one who made my life a heck of a lot easier. He’s always been more than kind to me, and one day I hope to be able to repay him for all he’s done for me.
“Let’s get this over with,” he mumbles. He wants to be here as much as I do. It’s how I got here to begin with. I knew he was dreading coming, so I’d volunteered to come with him. I always want to help when I can. He’s done so much for me. It’s the least I can do, even if it puts me way out of my comfort zone.
“You sure you’re okay?” He stops, looking down at me, and concern shows in his deep blue eyes. I smile and nod even though I’m far from okay. He’s asked the same question a million times because he knows I’m not good with crowds. Never have been. A social worker once told me it’s a remnant of childhood trauma. Being abandoned in a subway as a child tends to leave a mark. They didn’t know how long I’d been there before someone realized I was all alone. I don’t recall any of it. No matter how many times I try and go out into crowds, it never gets easier. I have to grit through it. If it was up to me I’d live far away from the city and the hustle and bustle of the world, but I needed a job and I can’t beat free rent. I cook and clean and Cory covers the bills. To be honest I’m not sure if he even pays rent or if his family owns the penthouse we live in.
“I’m fine,” I reassure him. “It’s good for me.” He gives me a skeptical look before we move farther into the crowd. He glances down at his watch to check the time again. I notice people keep stealing looks at us. Cory warned me they would. He hasn't been to an event in years. Apparently at the last one he’d gotten out of hand and ended up vomiting everywhere after starting a fist fight with his brother. He called himself the black sheep of the family. I didn't see how it was possible. He’s too caring and nice to be anything but a source of pride.
Maybe he had been before. That wasn't the Cory I know. The Cory I know is hard working and caring. How his family doesn't see that in him, I don't understand. Maybe it has something to do with the social hierarchies I know nothing about and have never given any thought to. I do know that Cory’s family has to be at the very top of whatever these social rankings are, and vomiting and fighting at some charity event like this one would probably be embarrassing to their family. Even so, I don't like that they made him feel that way.
It’s rude and uncaring. Maybe they should figure out why their family member drove himself to such a point. I wasn't even his family the night I met him and I’d at least done that. Cory had been hurting. He hadn’t handled the pain of losing his father. I’d helped him home and lain awake all night listening to him tell me tales about his family before his father's death. I’d felt jealous at some points and at others I wondered if having a family was worth it if you have to go through the pain of losing them, too. It was bittersweet.
“We have a little while before the ceremony. It shouldn't take long. My brother hates this shit as much as you do, so I’m sure he’ll make it fast.” He reaches up, straightening his already straight tie. His family is being honored for something. Cory hadn't given me many details, just that his brother demanded he be here tonight.
“You look fine,” I tell him so he’ll stop fidgeting now.
“Just don’t want to piss him off,” he mutters. We both know he’s talking about his brother. His father’s gone, but Cory’s brother Bo slipped right into the role of head of their family. Cory had this need to prove himself now after he’d gone a little wild for a couple years. I’m still not sure how wild he was, but I didn't know that side of him. I do wish he’d loosen up a little tonight, though. He’s not himself. My irritation with his brother grows. I’ve never met the man, but I already know I don't care for him.
The Cory I know always has a smile and is quick to inspire one in others. He’s charming and sweet and the closest thing I’ll ever have to a brother. I’ll never understand how his real brother doesn't see that. They should be closer.
A tall blonde walks by, giving Cory a wink. I hide a smile at the annoyance on his face. I’ve grown used to women trying to flirt with him. “Loosen up.” I elbow him in the side. He never dates. Everything is about working and proving himself.
“Trust me. Teresa is not someone you want to loosen up with. She’s a snake.” I glance back to the woman he’s talking about. She’s pretty and her smile doesn't look deadly, but I’ll take his word for it. I had a few foster parents who could turn on and off the sweet and nice like it was a switch.
I do what I always do and blend in. I�
�m trying my best not to be noticed, and I’m thankful the dress Cory got for me isn’t too flashy. “Come. I’ll take you to our table and say hi to my mom. Then we’ll see when we can get this show on the road.”
“I’d love to say hi to Mary.” I perk up at the mention of his mom.
“She’ll be happy to see you, too.” Cory moves us through the crowd. Some people say hi and nod or smile. Everyone seems to know him. Even though I went to an Ivy League school where most had money, I still always feel awkward. I try to keep my shoulders back as I move with him through the crowds of people, looking to see if I spot Mary anywhere. She’s the only person in Cory’s family I’ve met.
His mom is sweet. Sometimes I think she’s been plucked right out of a movie or television show. The way she dotes on Cory makes me wonder what my own mother was like. I never gave her much thought. Sometimes when I close my eyes I think I can picture her face, but I wonder if it’s an image I’ve made up in my own mind or if it's real. Either way, I guess it doesn't matter.
Cory pulls out a chair for me at a table that is completely empty. I take a seat, placing my hands in my lap. We are right in front of the stage where I’m sure the ceremony will be happening. “Will you be okay by yourself for a moment?” he asks. He looks around the room before glancing back down at me.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I smile, trying to hide the white lie. I feel even more awkward sitting at a giant table all alone.
“I’ll be right back.” I nod, and he moves back into the crowd and I lose sight of him.
I pull my phone out of my purse to look busy and not like some lonely girl sitting by herself at a table. I open my Kindle app but sigh when I remember I don’t have my glasses. I put my phone back into my purse as a man drops down into the chair next to me.
“A pretty girl should never sit alone.” He drops his arm over the back of my chair. I sit up straight so that his arm isn't touching me.
“Just waiting for someone.” I give him a polite smile before turning my head the other way. The man is old enough to be my father. If I had one. I jump when he slides his finger across my bare shoulder, nudging the strap out of the way.
“I don’t bite.” He gives me a cocky smirk and leans in closer to me. I freeze, unsure that to do. I want to tell him to get the hell away from me, but I have no idea who he is. What if I got Cory into trouble or something? For all I know, that’s his chair.
“Fuck off, Richard.” A gruff voice breaks me from my frozen state. I turn my head to look way up at a man who is standing next to my chair, hovering over me. I have to tilt my head all the way back to get a good look at him.
His face is all hard edges and lines. He’s not pretty like I’d call Cory. Cory reminds me of the boy next door with his dirty-blond wavy hair and dark blue eyes. Everything about Cory screams good American hometown boy. This man looks almost deadly in his pure black suit. Even his eyes are dark as they bore into the man sitting next to me.
“Now come on, Robert. Don’t be—"
“Don’t make me repeat myself, Richard.” Robert’s hand comes out in offering to me. For some reason I take it. He gives a small tug, pulling me up from my chair. The action makes me unsteady on my heels, and I try to balance myself but end up falling into the mountain of a man. He is somehow even bigger then I first thought he was. He doesn't even flinch. His hands come to my hip to help steady me on my feet.
“Sorry,” I whisper, looking up at him through my eyelashes. His eyes finally meet mine. Not as dark as I thought they were. A warm honey brown surrounds his pupils, but I don’t think you'd notice unless you were this close to him. “Your eyes,” I say before I can stop myself.
“What about them?” His voice is deep, rumbling from his body, reminding me that I’m pressed up against him.
“They’re beautiful,” I admit. My face warms at the confession and I feel shy, but when he gives a half smile my insides melt.
“I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.” I glance to the scar that runs along his jaw. It’s jagged and looks to only be a few years old. No, I don’t think he’s what most would call beautiful, but looking at him right now I don't think beauty is what I find attractive in a man. It’s only his eyes that are beautiful. The rest of him is rugged. His suit fits him perfectly, but somehow, I can tell he doesn't want to be in it as much as I don’t want to be in this dress and heels.
Our eyes stay locked for a moment. I finally pull mine away to glance back to my seat to see the other man is long gone. “Thank you,” I tell the man who clearly came to save me.
“Why are you thanking me?” His eyes trace my face. Something about him is familiar, but I can’t place it.
“For saving me from the creepy old guy,” I laugh, trying to make light of everything. His face is still so serious.
“Maybe I came to steal you from him.” I let out another laugh thinking he is teasing me back, but still his face doesn't change. His hands on my hips tighten. He pulls me even more into him. I gasp when I feel his erection dig into me, telling me how true his words really are.
Heat flashes through my whole body at his boldness. The rest of the ballroom fades away. I forget about the crowd and everyone else.
“Are you going to stop me?” he asks in a challenge. I shake my head no. I should say yes, but my mouth won’t move. He lets go of my hip and grabs my purse from off the table. His other hand slides into mine, our fingers locking. “Good,” is all he says as he guides me towards the stage area. I have to almost run to keep up with his long strides. Wherever we are going, he wants to get there now.
He slows, releasing my hands and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close when he sees I have to run a little to keep up with him. I glance back over my shoulder to look for Cory. I don’t see him, and Robert takes me behind the stage area that opens into a long hallway.
“Where are we going?” I ask.
“Did you come with someone?” He asks a question of his own without answering mine.
“Yes.” His hand on my hip tightens at my answer.
“It’s—” I’m cut off from telling him it’s not what he thinks. I’m not here on a date. He pulls me into a room, slamming the door closed behind us. His mouth crashes down on mine as though he doesn't want to hear what I was going to say.
My hands dig into his shirt. I find myself pushing off his suit jacket as he lifts me from the ground, my heels falling off my feet and hitting the floor.
“Oh god. This is happening,” I moan when his mouth leaves mine, going for my neck as he sucks and licks.
“Fuck, you even taste like sugar,” he growls against my skin. “So fucking soft.” I don’t think he’s talking to me, so I don’t respond. I’m not sure I could if I tried. I let my head drop back as his hands and mouth are everywhere. Everything that comes from his mouth is sweet and adoring like we are two lovers making love and not two strangers who know nothing of the other. It’s such a contrast from the roughness of his hands and voice.
It gives me a glimpse of the man really beneath that hard exterior. For a moment I question what I’m doing. How crazy this all is. I’m in a room with a man I don’t know and he’s going at me like he’s starving to have me.
For the first time I feel sexy. Wanted. Still an inner battle rises in my brain, but the moment he falls to his knees in front of me and pushes up my dress, all thoughts of this not being a good idea leave my mind.
“Bet you’re just as soft and sweet here, too, aren't you?” he asks. I glance down at him. He brings one of my legs to rest over his shoulder. I have to use one hand to brace myself on the handle of the door I’m pressed up against.
“I don’t know,” I whisper in truth. No one has ever told me I’m soft and sweet. Though no one has ever done what he’s doing to me to find out. He leans in, taking a long lick of me. I moan. The feeling is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.
“You are.” His words are gritted out. I’m not sure if he’s pissed about this or not
. It doesn't matter, though, because he is on me, his face diving between my legs as he licks and sucks at me. My other hand goes to his thick, short dark hair. I dig my fingers in, needing to brace myself for the orgasm that is pushing down on me quickly.
True to form, he takes what he wants and it’s clear he wants my orgasm as badly as I do. He sucks at my clit, making my whole body jerk. I cry out his name, my eyes closing tight. The sensation is too much and every part of me tingles as I explode.
I don’t know how long I lie there enjoying the aftermath of what happened. When I open my eyes I almost swear I’ll be in my bedroom waking from a dream, but I don’t see my pale gray walls that greet me each morning.
I see the man who took me to a place I’d never been. His eyes bore into mine. It’s then I realize I’ve been moved. I’m on a sofa of some kind. I was so out of it I hadn't felt him move me.
He leans down, his mouth brushing against mine, softly and sweetly. Slow and unrushed. So tender it makes my heart clench in my chest. Is this what love is like?
“See? Sweet,” he tells me. I lick my lips, tasting myself and him. I reach up and touch his face, running my finger along the scar on his jaw. He closes his eyes for a moment as he leans in to my touch. Once again, he looks like he’s starving for my affection. I don’t know why, but it pulls at something deep inside of me. I want to be closer to this man I don’t even know. Maybe that’s all this is. A stolen moment. A night I’ll think back on that will make me smile or…ache. Either way I’m not stopping now.
“You looked like an angel. I spotted you across the room and I couldn't stay away.”